Personalized consultancy in exchange.

a Upper

Upper aims to transform the lives of women who want to explore the world and rediscover themselves through cultural exchange experiences.

Com 10 years of operation, We are specialists in personalized consultancy, following each journey in a unique way, from the first plans to the realization of this big dream.

More than learning a language, Our mission is to offer you clarity and support at every step.

Our founder, Sheila Nascimento, experienced his own adventures, passing through Australia, Italy and Spain. What started as a dream to improve my English turned into a passion for guiding other women on their journeys..

E, above all, We're here to remind you that this journey is about you. It's about your courage to step out of your comfort zone, to embrace the new and conquer the world with your own steps.

Each Upper level experience brings with it the chance to discover the most incredible thing within you. Let's go together?

I always liked to help people and I was always helped by many loved ones at the beginning of my career as an international student. It was through this experience that I discovered that there is a lot of important information that is often omitted by companies, because they just want to think about selling courses abroad.

I had a career as an auditor in Brazil, but fate took me out of the audit and placed me in the world of exchange students. I love helping other students achieve their goals and I do everything with a lot of love and dedication, vibro with approved visas, with the job of a desperate student and I bond with each of them, some less and some more, this is really crazy.

Sincerity, honesty and transparency are the values ​​that I preach in the professional and personal sphere. The more we share what we know, more people we can help. Together we are stronger ❤

Sheila Nascimento, founder of Upper.

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